4 Benefits of seeing a Physical Therapist
Relieves back pain
Low back pain is due to weak core stabalilty and needs to be addressed through specific exercises. Gerneral exercises can cause pain and keep the aligment and compressed spine where it is or even cause more damage. Skilled Therapy intervention is needed and not every Cllinic is the same. Max Results we have the track record to help you return to your old pain free lifestyle.
For headaches
Therapy can correct spinal alignment and decompress the vertebrae. Therapy can also address the muscle weakness on both side of the jount/ spine stabalizing the movement for long term relief. not just temporary.
Relieves joint pain
Movement patterns and irregular movement patterns need to be assesed and corrected. Irregular movement pattern in gait or balance can cause grinding and inflamation in all joints. We at Max Resuls Physical Therapy are well educated and have many years of corecting and assesing patients movements.
Speeds injury recovery
There are multpile ways Max Results can increase your healing and speed up your return to normalcy. We utalize modalites that we have had sucess in the past. We have cervical and Lumbar traction, Ultra sound, Electrical stimulation machines, Heat , Ice and Manual Tech to decrease pain so you move better with less pain. If you mover better you body respinds to treatment quicker and you get better results fast.
Physical Therapy care helps boost athletic performance
We have sport specific training tech to increase performance. We have a 30 mph seed tredmill that ustalizes a specific program to increase atheles speed. There are other training tech that help stregthen the accessory muscles to improve movment with less chance of getting injued. These programs also look at the gait pattern of all patience.
P.T. care helps speed injury recovery
We here at Max Resutls Physical Therapy pride ourselfs on how fast we can get our pateints back to there full potential.